How to Stop a Puppy From Barking When Left Alone

How to Stop a Puppy From Barking When Left Alone

Puppy barking or just any dog barking, in general, is a big problem for owners and a nuisance for surrounding residents. It is a prevalent issue that many dog owners face. Dogs sometimes bark for attention, to alert, or out of boredom and frustration, but some dogs howl or bark when left alone in the home. Continuous barking and howling may annoy your neighbors if it happens continuously.

If your puppy starts barking when you leave him alone, then the reasons could be restlessness, boredom, separation anxiety, and fear. These are the general reasons that most dogs have when they are left alone.

If you face similar problems with your dog, then this article will share some tips on how to stop a puppy from barking when it is left alone.

Ways to Stop Your Puppy Barking When It Is Alone


Physical activity is one of the best ways to keep your dog healthy and strong, but it can also help out in this situation. Ensure your dog has enough exercise before leaving him alone every morning. This will ensure he gets tired and will most likely want to rest quietly. If possible, hire a dog walker so that he can take your dog for a walk in the afternoon.

Dog Toys and Puzzles

Another great way to keep your dog busy in the morning is by giving him toys and dog puzzles. You can find many commercial products and homemade ones too that keep your dog occupied when you leave him alone. Place a treat inside a toy, and your dog will try to recover the treat, thus occupying him for a while. Your dog will soon forget that he is alone and, subsequently, will stop barking.

For other ways to keep your dog entertained while at work then check our article here.

dog toys

Accustomed Sounds

Expert trainers suggest that the dogs that bark when left alone could be left with some familiar sounds like a television or radio. The idea behind this is that these kinds of familiar sounds make the dog believe that his owner is at home with him still.

Bark Collars

You can find several products that claim to help stop dogs from barking. Bark collars provide ultrasonic or audible corrections to your dog, but beware, they don't work on all dogs. However, citronella collar spray works well, but some intelligent dogs know that they can bark again once the spray is finished. This spray is made from essential oils like lemongrass, which are often used in candles, incense, and perfumes, so it is not harmful.

The main problem with using shock collars is that they can induce a painful jolt to your dog, harming your pet in the process. This can cause your dog to become aggressive, which adds an unneeded extra problem to the barking issue. We would personally not advise you to use these shock collars when you leave your dog by himself. Other devices can work better if your dog barks in a specified area. Before using any device, get help from an expert.

Anti-barking Devices

You can also find an extensive range of anti-barking devices (Non-collar). These instruments work by sensing barks and send a piercing sound that dogs can only hear.

Could Separation Anxiety Be Causing the Barking?

A study on dog barking recently confirmed that many dog trainers, animal behaviorists, and dog owners know that separation anxiety is a highly complex problem in canines. Anxiety means your dog is stressed, and there might be some biological signs that will be displayed by behavior like whining, pacing, drooling, or panting.
The experts also say that Smartphones can be a very helpful tool for identifying the root cause of your dog's behavior. Apps like Pet Monitor VIGI or Barkio observe your dog distantly, or a plain nanny camera can help you find the reasons easily. Watching your dog's behavior from far can help you find the anxiety signs when it is left alone. Also, you can discover if your dog feels bored,  does it cause it to get into a destructive mood.

Separation anxiety in dogs can be considered a difficult problem to treat, but following simple tips can help your dog feel safe and strong even when it is left alone. Provide training to your dog when you are at home, like leave him alone for some time and come home and if he behaves well, reward him for not barking and calm behavior. You can try this method by staying away by increasing a few more minutes at a time. Though this method works, it takes a lot of time for you to teach your dog and also needs a lot of patience.

Other Reasons

If your dog is barking because of boredom, then keep him busy with toy treats and other stuff to distract him. These brain puzzles treat toys to keep him entertained for hours on end. However,  if your dog is barking continuously, then play detective and discover elsewhere the solutions.
You should ask an animal behaviorist or dog's trainer about the behavior of your dog as it is very important. Once you understand what is making your dog bark continuously, then you can take care of that issue and gradually make your dog stop barking.
It is important not to react to every bark, also you should let your pet learn to stay alone and settle on its own. At the same time, you should understand that it is not easy for any pet to accustomed to the change from routine, the transition period can take a couple of weeks more than expected. You must encourage and strengthen the lesson by rewarding your dog for staying quiet for a longer time when left alone.

Make sure to control your anger and reaction to any crying and barking. Give your dog some time before reacting and see if it can settle by itself or not.


Dog barking, when left alone, is the most common problem that many pet owners face every day. However, hiring a professional dog trainer is the easiest way to help you solve this problem. They can quickly train an anxious dog and train to understand the dog's moods. So, if you are having dog barking or puppy barking issues, then get help from a professional trainer and teach your dog to behave well even when it is left alone.

About the Author

Kirsten Heggarty
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Kirsten created The Pet Handbook with the aim of sharing her knowledge about pets, pet food, healthy habits, and more. All of her advice is based on years of her own experience with her pets, and feedback that she has received from grateful readers about her tips. If you want to know more please read the About Me page.