A Complete Guide to the Various Types of Litter Boxes

Many different accessories and products can make your life easier as a cat owner. One of the most necessary additions to your home is a litter box, as that will give your feline friend a place to do their business. Over the course of this guide, we'll be covering a variety of litter box types so that you know which one is best for your needs.

Types of Litter Boxes

You may think that all litter boxes are the same, but there is quite a bit of variety in them. If you want the best litter box for your cat, you’ll need to be able to differentiate between them.

Standard Litter Box

This is the kind of litter box that you’re most likely to have already seen. These litter boxes typically feature a simple, open design which makes them much more affordable than other options. A standard litter box will usually smell a little bit more than other types thanks to the open layout.

You’ll usually want to replace the litter more frequently when using a standard litter box, as that will make smells much less likely to develop. Most standard litter boxes will only be sufficient for a single cat, so if you have a few living in your house, you’ll want to buy one for each of them.

Enclosed Litter Box

Enclosed litter boxes tend to give off fewer smells than other models thanks to their hooded design. These litter boxes usually feature a carbon filter or some other component that will help diminish the scent even further. If you have trouble with your litter box smelling, one of these models may work best.

Some enclosed litter boxes feature a design that allows you to clean them out without having to scoop up the litter yourself. All you have to do is roll the litter box over, and the litter will end up deposited in a sliding tray. When it comes to price, enclosed litter boxes are still rather affordable.

Self-Cleaning Litter Box

As years have gone by, technology has come on more and more. Some of the new technology has also been incorporated into the designing of cat litter boxes. These new designs are implemented to help cat owners out by reducing the need for manual cleaning. This in turn saves you a lot of time and hassle.

On the higher end of the price range, you’ll find that self-cleaning litter boxes are one of the more convenient options. These litter boxes are designed to clean themselves out, as you would guess from the name. There are various types of self-cleaning litter boxes, with the best of them needing plumbing hookups.

Other self-cleaning litter boxes will merely deposit the litter in a place where it won't smell and will be ready for pickup. In the end, the best kind of self-cleaning litter box for you will depend on your budget. Due to their highly efficient nature, self-cleaning litter boxes can often work for multiple cats, provided they have a solid dynamic.


As you can see, there are a few different kinds of litter boxes that you can pick from, and we hope that we’ve presented each of their pros and cons. Choosing the right litter box for your cat can make your home smell better and can make your pet happier.

About the Author

Kirsten Heggarty
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Kirsten created The Pet Handbook with the aim of sharing her knowledge about pets, pet food, healthy habits, and more. All of her advice is based on years of her own experience with her pets, and feedback that she has received from grateful readers about her tips. If you want to know more please read the About Me page.